A littul book I worked on as a final project for an Indian Literature course. :)
Through the texts I encountered I saw that snakes often symbolized men
and lotuses often symbolized women.
This is a poetic-imagery based interpretation of the relationships between the varied men and women through selected Indian texts.

Let us begin with a benediction
a prediction
a beautifully contorted contradiction
a beautifully contorted contradiction
To shape without form.
To silence devoid of disdain.
To devotion despite disillusion.
To Divinity that exists
(if not in his fingertips)
then in everything that shimmers.
To silence devoid of disdain.
To devotion despite disillusion.
To Divinity that exists
(if not in his fingertips)
then in everything that shimmers.
Hey Shilo,
Snakes and Lotuses looks supa interesting. Am working on the same theme (but this you know). Perhaps, if you are interested, you could jump in and present some of your stuff at the Snakes & Lotuses exhibition of my sketchs & poems that I am planning to have here in Blore either early Oct or Nov. What say?
I love the vasantsena you made.
Da it's too good I say! Super superness!
@archana- helluuu. Yus I was going to mail you copy of this. :) but before I gots a chance you came off here.
Would Love to jump in to your exhibition. :)
Gmail me the details I say. :O)
maybe we could even work on some sort of book/something together.
@ chamak- Thankoo love.
@bharat0- thanks ra. :P :)
So sign this copy and give to it me, na? Heehee.
Your work is wonderful! I love your journal pages, and the wide eyed women! thank you for sharing... Roxanne
it's mrichakatika, gorjeeyus.
this is the mean comment i promised.
the the spiral into the realms of the retards continues with shutterfly and her extremely fragile and vibrant book (books?).
its a compliment.
youre mad.
getting madder.
madder = better.
dude...it looks sooper haute
daaamn nais...kip it up
what amazing work!
You really have a high sense of aesthetics.
some very AMAZIN!!!! art on ur blog!!!
i'll be comin often now!!!!
BRILLIANT!! can't wait to see it in person... :D
thankjoo muchlee :)
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