"Seeing Radha stand alone, Krishna came from behind and blindfolded her with his hands. But his hands could not fully cover her large and elongated eyes. They shone out from within his fingers as a serpent's gem which it had disgorged and hid between its fangs;" or as Rahu finding the sun and Mars together, had pounced and held them fast. Krishna does not have any self-interest, for there is nothing for him to desire or achieve. But he removes the grief of separation of those whom he loves. His eyes came close to Radha's, and his lips were on hers. It was as though the lotuses forgetting their opposition to the moon had opened their petals to be kissed by the moon rays. Says Suradasa, Krishna's loving embrace removed from Radha. the sorrow of her parting. "


Arvind said...

The art-work is simply brilliant! It's so picturesque..
And the words are overly descriptive.. If someone actually spoke that way I wouldn't understand jack!
You're overdosing on Eloquence..

It's been forever since I swung by, and my God! You update at the speed of light!!

March Hare said...

where is this from? vaishnav padavali?

and oooh oooh oooh for the accompanying picture.

Bone said...

you're wonderful as usual =)

Shilo Shiv Suleman said...

thankoo marchhare. :O)

Junuka said...

i like your work!junuka

Shilo Shiv Suleman said...


Anonymous said...

Lovely mins lovely!
jus jus suparr

duende said...

good only. as always. this is.

Anonymous said...

this is high stuff.. i mean eyes-apoppin-till-the-the-high-guy-

well.. thank you. that's from em and that guy inside i was talking about.

I first came down to your blog when i was desperately hunting for pics for the kind of picture essay which i do to review a movie. I was doing tashan. I needed something kitsch and jhataang and there's this Beatles thing also going on.. yeah, i got more that what i wanted. Now the thing is, i always acknowledge the blog who provide me the picture but recently i had a senseless squabbles with the high priests of the blog about one blogger wanting to retain his picture and since the high priests are essentially born and brought up techies, i was subject to some crazy hiLingo talk and yeah well i decided i can't stand it much and well, i guess i decided i get all my forms ready in case it all descends on me again.

So i've used some of your photographs, first here:- http://passionforcinema.com/tashan-raste-ka-maal-and-the-cheap-thrill-machine/
and then i used the Rsdhekrishna in one of those cubes here:-

i think i've used them tastefully and with impact and i love it all and can get pretty narcissistic about it.

I really dig what you have been doing and yeah, there's no form but i'd still like you to say 'Ok'.

that'll make my day. keep on..


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