the air around you changes colour
and spreads its wings
'dressed in the color of my desires,
you go your way naked as my thoughts,
I travel your eyes, like the sea,'
'you open my chest with your fingers of water,
you close my eyes with your mouth of water,
you rain on my bones'
in the folds of your skin
like a serpent.
I wait.
Done by me on photoshop.
and spreads its wings
'dressed in the color of my desires,
you go your way naked as my thoughts,
I travel your eyes, like the sea,'

you close my eyes with your mouth of water,
you rain on my bones'
in the folds of your skin
like a serpent.
I wait.
Done by me on photoshop.
fantastic! i wish i new how to do this photoshop thing...
didjoo take the picture of the ladies?
yes. well. dammit, but this is BRILLIANT. :)
i went through the entire archive at one go.
p.s. don't mind the language.mine, that is.
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I don't know anything else but I'm with crescenet.
Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem
which roughly translates to -
Oi, so your blog thinks it can outdo bum
I no bum. I am plum. :)
Your ideas fascinate me!
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