
Whilst in Jaipur this December, me and a cat called Ganjesh Meow Tikam Chand and Surendar by the side of the road outside of Hawamahal who had a camera from the 1860's as royal photographer of the palace.  His great grandfather had brought this camera down from Germany in the 
1860s and he proudly showed off an old Carl Zeiss lens.

what was most incredible though was that this camera transported you back to the 1800's too.
I became my own ancestor. 

and it was Magic.
I saw myself as a ghost, with Jugular Bean
as starcrossed lovers like pressed rose petals.

As sisters between yellowed pages.

with family portraits that will hang on my walls for generations to come.

I'm going to start finding ways to work on a project with this man and him 200 year old camera,
but in the meantime - if you're ever in Jaipur
go down to Hawamahal and ask for the man with the ancient camera.
he sits on the side of the road clicking pictures of happy tourists and taking us back into a softer world.

The Hero's Journey

 So this year, I was chosen as the featured artist of the year at the INK Conference
yay! :) its been so exciting keeping a secret like this for the last 5 months!
but here it is! twelve illustrations that I'd created for the conference about 
the Hero's journey by Joseph Campbell!
Campbell spoke about how every man and woman follows the same ancient archetypal journey,
be it in myth, or in real life. 
here is a glimpse of that magical journey!
available as prints as well

First is a call to adventure, setting off on a paper boat into a world full of 
unknown possibilities along a path less travelled

 Then one meets a mentor, a friend, a co-traveller and companion that influences the
way we imagine and see things.

Connections are Made

and Choices too

'She jumps in, to choose safe waters is the route of imposters,
those who love take on the mighty river'

Fears are faced

We set off into magic flights into other worlds of silver moon and shimmer.

Challenges are over come

We have a moment of Revelation

Until we come home, where the heart is.

Looking forward we find ourselves facing a vast ocean, on one hand rockets in the sky and technological marvel, but on the other rising tides and changing climates

It was a set of 12 illustrations, 12 animations, a huge stage designed and an entire book of doodles! :)
More from my journey to Jaipur coming soon!